
Here at Trademetrics, we are committed to the transfer of knowledge. That’s why we take part in as many events as we possibly can.

In addition, we organise the Trademetrics Workshops for anyone interested in Altmetrics, SEO, Digital analytics, Social Media Analytics, Cybermetrics – a (free) international workshop about Cybermetrics, Website Analytics and Web Mining (Web Big Data, Social Networking Analysis, Sentiment Analysis, Mention Mining, Cybermetrics, Altmetrics… ).

The first workshop took place on November 11th 2016 and was probably the first in Spain which brought together data scientists (researchers from the Academy) with digital marketing professionals. This made it particularly interesting given the scientific rigour it adds to a demanding and changing world such is the world of Internet business. In fact, the slogan of the Workshop is “Where Data Science meet marketers”.

We have Dixon Jones, Director de Marketing at Majestic, one of today’s most important tools to be able to thrive on the internet.

Alongside him, we enjoy many speakers, mixing scientists with marketers. Mike Thelwall (University of Wolverhampton), Isidro Aguillo (CSIC), Juan González (Sistrix), José Facchin (SEMrush), Jorge Ramos (Zalando Germany), Jérôme Basdevant (eRevalue), Miguel Borrás (Antara), and Enrique Orduña (UPV)

The group is made up of three key areas of work, according to the application environment of the models of analysis: