
Is SEO necessary?

SEO is one of the most popular tools among online businesses for managing websites on search engines. But what do these letters mean? SEO, Search Engine Optimisation, is the optimisation of internet search engines. But, is this useful? Or to put it another way, how does it help us?

The first and most important thing is that it will make your website appear on searches made by cloud users without the need to pay for advertising, as it is completely free. You only need to pay a specialist to take charge of creating the content. 

The first and most important thing is that it will make your website appear on searches made by cloud users without the need to pay for advertising, as it is completely free. You only need to pay a specialist to take charge of creating the content. If it considers the information useful, it will appear in the top rankings, but if the SEO does not exist, your content won’t exist either, because when you search the internet, would you spend more than 30 seconds searching for a website? Some 75% of users stop at the first entry. 

Google is one of the most popular search engines, with 69.80 % of searches on a global level, Bing has 13.31 %, and Baidu (12.53 %), the number one search engine in China. The advantage of them knowing about you is that they also know your users, and therefore, making the match is easy. The search engines direct your website towards the users that are looking for everything you offer. It sounds easy, doesn’t it?

Another benefit is that the SEO is a guarantee of reliability and credibility. We all trust the high ranking websites, and even more so if they are completely organic (that is, they are not paying sites, they occur naturally). 

Although this tool sounds really good, the work doesn’t stop there. Once placed in the top rankings you need to turn your website into a place that is secure and attractive to users in order to create conversations and encourage them to return. 

In summary: companies, brands or creators who understand the need for SEO and who work with it to improve their ranking are the ones that will succeed in gaining the edge on the rest of the internet content which, as we are aware, is infinite.